EUROTL Framework overview

The figure below shows a principal view of the EUROTL framework.

The framework essentially consists of the following parts:

EUROTL Core Definitions

This is the main ontology that serves as a hub for linking concepts (schema elements) and data between different domain ontologies. This ontology uses cmo and prov-o as upper ontologies to provide a basic and proven structure. Based on these, it defines a number of basic concepts relevant for road asset management from a lifecycle perspective such as:

For viewing detailed information about the EUROTL Core Definitions and the domain ontologies and Linking Rule Sets, please use the viewer or consult the technical report. These are linked to in the table below.
EUROTL Framework Viewer EUROTL Technical Report

The EUROTL framework viewer displays the entire EUROTL framework. This includes the Core, the domain ontologies, and their connection established by Linking Rule Sets.

The EUROTL technical report contains information solely based on the EUROTL Core. Separate technical reports are available per domain ontology and Linking Rule Set, which can be found further on on this page.

The whole framework is available for viewing in the Laces viewer here.

Framework ontologies

Prefix Name Model Documentation Source
eurotl: EUROTL: The European Road Ontology
Technical Report
prov-o: PROV-O: The Provenance Ontology
Official online documentation
skos: SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System
Official online documentation
am4infra: AM4INFRA: Asset Management Approach for Transport Infrastructure Networks
Technical Report AM4INFRA Asset Data Dictionary
am4infra--eurotl: AM4INFRA--EUROTL: Linking Rule Set between AM4INFRA and EUROTL
Technical Report
geo: GeoSPARQL: A Geographic Query Language for RDF data
Official online documentation
geosparql--eurotl: GEOSPARQL--EUROTL:LinkingRule Set between GeoSPARQL and EUROTL
IFC4x1_Final: IFC4X1_Final: ifcOWL provides a Web Ontology Language (OWL) representation of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema
Technical Report
ifcOWL at bSI
IFC4x1_Final--eurotl: IFC4x1_Final--EUROTL:Linking Rule Set between IFC4x1_Final and EUROTL
Technical Report
rd:,tn:,net: rd:INSPIRE data specification for Road networks
tn:INSPIRE data specification for Transport networks
net:INSPIRE Generic Network Model

Technical Report

INSPIRE data specification on transport networks (includes road networks)

INSPIRE Generic Network Model
inspire--eurotl: INSPIRE--EUROTL:Linking Rule Set between INSPIRE transport networks and EUROTL
Technical Report
iso19148: ISO19148:Linear Referencing
Technical Report
iso19148--eurotl: ISO19148--EUROTL:Linking Rule Set between ISO19148 transport networks and EUROTL
Technical Report
library: LIBRARY:Ontology metadata
Technical Report